Monday, February 2, 2009

Knitting the Panda

Three whole days; no climbing. Crazy what things like rest'll do for a body. For example, they make me fat as a sow. Aeon was watching Kung Fu Panda again this morning 'fore i left, and it inspired me. Snagged a v4 proj i couldn't get at the comp. It's a crimp problem that climbs outta this roof in the back of the boulder cave. Starts on an icky sloper. Move backwards to the first crimp, match, heelhook the start sloper. Move up to the next crimp, match, gun for a slopey swing, find a place for some feet, and finish. Funny thing is the crimps were these thin huecos, and when i matched on 'em they both flexed away from the wall under my fat butt. i'm all "Please don't break! Bad times to break!" Then i got my pet "v5" v3 again. Then another 3. Then i sent a v3 that'd spit me off an embarrassing number of times. Hopefully i'm gonna meet Steph at the gym for a rope session this evening. we'll see how that goes.

i feel so good, i've decided to take three days off every two or three weeks whether i realize i need it or not. ;)

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