Sunday, February 15, 2009


As a valentine's day present to me, i sent my shoes off to Boulder for a resole. That'll keep me off'n the walls for at least a week. In spite of trying to go easy at the gym, my biceps just won't heal. i need some real live time for the ol' tendons to re-knit. i'm gonna try to get back into the iron gym and start doing some accessory work and some rehab. i sent those shoes off and it was like, "Ahh! i don't have to climb today! i can't! So there!" It was like a world had been lifted off my shoulders. No climbing, guilt free. we get a five hour babysitting gift today as a chance to go do something romantic and valentine's-y, and i think we're going to the climbing gym, but i'm going in my crocs as belay slave. i think we'll actually have fun with no chiddlers to scream at every ten seconds. It's time for a week of focussed slouching about.


Pappa G said...

so how was the date?

c said...

Dude. It was good fun. If we could pull something like that off once a week, we'd be in some good shape. Steph got on a bunch of routes. She still wasn't feeling very up to snuff after a week of being sick, so she didn't get the 5.8s she's wanting, but she got on a bunch of stuff. And i got on a couple of 10s and 11s. Nearly flashed this 11- on lead, but i managed to cross clip the rope (which i think is only possible in a gym where your bolts are 3 feet apart) and after i spent a couple minutes getting outta that mess i didn't have the juice left. Still a fun route though. Anyhow, made for a cool date. And we did go for dessert and coffee afterwards.