Inspired by Tiny "I-think-I'll-just-slope-off-and-disencumber-the-earth-of-1,000lbs-for-a-spell" G, i put in a righteous back workout yesterday. Worked up to 3 sets of 2 with 90 on pullups. Worked up to a set of 4 with 295 on straight leg deads. Admittedly, i didn't lock my shoulders back on the very last rep, but that was a durn good, disc compressing workout at any rate. Did rows with both arms, narrow grip this time. The bilateral biceps tendonitis reared it's vile head, and i didn't want to do more damage, so i went both arms. Been a long time since i've done that. Different feel. i kinda liked 'em. Also did bent o'er BB rows with a warmup and 2 x 6 at 170, 3 sets of 10 with 100lb DBs, and 3 sets of wide-grip high rows and worked up to 6 at 210. Good workout after about a month of lay-off.
The plan is to go run here in a few minutes. It's a nice, cool day, and i'm hoping for a good one. Still holding at 191lbs as of this morning.
Many minutes later:
Did get that hour run in. The west wind was brisk, brought a smile to my face, and fairly flattened the hills. m' walking round the house getting ready heart rate has again been haunting the low 50s, so i believe i'm getting in better shape even if i ain't a whit faster. At least it's getting fun again. And the weather's getting crisp and perfect.
I've been called a lot of things...
Haha. Sounds like a meaty back session. Seems like its been months since I did any kind of accessory work. Hopefully things have chilled a bit and I can get back on a regular cycle now.
Heh, yeah...Doesn't exactly flow off the tongue. Doesn't even make a good acronym. i probably won't ever become an agent for budding rap stars just for that reason. At any rate, don't sound like you've taken a nose-dive on yer lifts, accessory work notwithstanding. You back home for a li'l bit then? Nice to hear things've cooled down a tad.
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