Facing the possibility of having to tape my hand into a sort of mittened hook, what with my four favorite fingers damaged on the left hand, i opted instead to tape the most recently damaged, and one other randomly-chosen finger. Warmed up on a quiver of 2s, then went and sent my li'l v5 proj (second try). Then i got a 3 i'd done before (although i tossed off of it several times today). Then i got a 2. Then i got a 1. Then i quit since the 1 felt kinda hard. i've got a test tomorrow, and i just didn't feel like demotivating myself with chest work. Still got three or so projects i owe some smackdown to. But they deserve a fresher, healeder opponent.
Eight mo' days 'til freedom...
Thought you were taking a week off. Good job on the five.
It felt like a week. Nearly a week. Two days...seven days...same, same. The quest for sanity trumped my index finger.
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