Monday, January 10, 2011


...but not really all that much fun. It's a balmy 32 degrees in the more enchanting bit of Enchantment Land, but it "feels" like 21. And with a 16mph wind straight outta the bowels of the Arctic, it's a fine day to not be on a bike. Did get a 45 minute run in though. The water in my bottle started slushing up before i got home, which is impressive since i had an electrolyte mix in there (colligative properties and freezing point depression, and so forth.) It was not a good run, and my lungs were not pleased with me; but it was not a good day to run, and my eyeballs are not pleased with my gut. So screw my lungs. i ran. And now i can justify indulging in this banana. Good times.

May the next workout be mo' fun than this one.


Pappa G said...

amen. It's cold as frozen poo here. I wasn't looking forward to deadlifts holding on to a gnurled ice pole. So I didn't. I'm sure it will be much warmer at six in the morning.

c said...

Heheh...yeah, sometimes procrastination doesn't pay. Sometimes.