Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kick Start my Heart

Bon Jovi RULZ!!! Except when Bryan Adams comes on right after Bon Jovi; then THAT RULZ!!!! (Headbanger devil fingers!!)

Yeah, there're days when i think i'd be happier if my iPod hadn't been washed in my pants' pocket.

i started back on the Green Faces diet today. So far so good. Also did a pretty hard workout at the irongym. Didn't feel nearly as nauseous as i expected after the ridiculously long layoff and almost-constant toxification, so i kept going and made a fairly torturous one out of it. i wanted to go for a run afterward, but Steph needed some daylight as well. i start back to school tomorrow, but i get out at lunch for the next few days, so i'll see if i can make a good go of it toward getting back onto the narrow path before it gets hard.

i went to that climbing comp on friday, but i ended up not competing really. i knew there was a comp, but for some reason i invited some friends from school to go climb. i guess i thought maybe they'd get into the spirit and have fun bouldering; but they wanted to toprope. So i walked around with a harness on the whole night. i really didn't mind, but i ended up not even belaying for 'em. They kinda did their own thing, and i literally walked around trying the occasional boulder problem with a harness on. The only way i could have fit the image better would'a' been to have worn socks. Annie went with me, and she pulled down a few problems though. That li'l chick could be real good if she'd get a tiny bit obsessed about it. i did end up pulling down 3 or 4 problems--a couple of 'em might go at v4. So i think i'm not as depressingly out of form as i'd feared. But i could definitely feel a difference from before we took off east. i know i gained most of a stone on my gut, and i could feel the extra weight even if i wasn't much weaker. It comes out in really low endurance. That's just infuriating to be in the best shape i've been in for a long, long time, and then to throw it away on eating too much and drinking like a fish. Very stupid. Ah well: hopefully i'm not too far down the drain, and maybe my pinger tendons are closer to healed.

Today i worked back. Clipped off 20 pullups for a warmup, and felt like i could keep going, but i feared what that would do to my last sets. Turned out it didn't matter. i was screaming to lock one out with 100. Did a couple of sets of that with negatives. On straight leg deads i think the layoff really did do me some good. i didn't go up super heavy, but there was no pain in my back. i needed that. Went back to one-arm cable rows instead of two-hands. i like them thar things. Then i did a bunch of other stuff. Ooo, and i did the weighted sidebends--couple o' sets o' those. And you'll be amused to know there was a guy in there doing 'em with a weight in each hand. i didn't think i'd ever actually seen anyone doing 'em that way before, so i was surprised, and had an internal chuckle. Not so good at physics maybe.

i am going to go have some herbal tea, and no ice cream. School starts back tomorrow at 0800, and i'm a tiny bit depressed about that. But it's nearly over with. :-)


Pappa G said...

I remember my last quarter in college. It's one of those things you've just got to dive into and kick the hell out of. Like a band-aid across a hariy nipple that must be removed quickly.
Keep me posted on that diet. I still really want to do that soon.

c said...

Dude...don't be a wussy baby. Go buy some collards and peppers, and a bunch of steak and turkey and live on it for a month. And you won't drink, 'cuz you can tell yerself you can't 'cuz you're on a "special diet." Easy peasy.