Looks like it's been maybe two weeks since i worked chest. Been closer to a month since i've worked back. Haven't run, biked, etc in so long, i'm afraid my legs won't remember the motions. Not that i've ever really just dug staring at myself in the mirror, but now i'm just sorta grossed out whilst brushing my teeth. "Eee, go put a shirt on that thing!"
i've been climbing a lot. That's pretty much it for exercise. Yesterday was the first time i clumb since...well, wednesday or so. i think that was good. Hands were in a bad way. Tore it up pretty good yesterday. They'd put up quite a few new routes for Friday's comp. It was (as always) like being a li'l kid in Toys 'r' Us. Vomited out a big bundle of routes with fresh hands before i stopped to appreciate any of 'em. Then when i did run into some routes that took some growl, i was fairly juiced. Interestingly, They didn't put any new stuff up in the caves. This vexed me, as there are a couple of heinous crimpers that have spat me off too many times, and that i was kinda relieved to think wouldn't be there. But there they were. Yet tired to paresthesia, i put up a new high point on a v5 i've been wanting. i left totally sure that i'll have that one if i can get back in with fresh paws. Couldn't feel too disappointed after 3hrs of pulling.
But i've gotta lose weight. That's primary. And i've gotta get back in the gym. i can't begrudge a few weeks off from lifting, cuz i've definitely reaped the power benes of not being broken down from heavy lifting. But i can tell i'm not pulling as hard now. Gotta correct that.
Just got yer text 'bout Meg. Praying for yas.
I've lost two pounds in as many days. Apparently a diet of vodka and coffee will rapidly reduce the waistline!
Heh heh. Lotta homeless guys livin' on that diet. Most of them have no weight problems. It's the cirrhosis and self-inflicted retardation that get 'em.
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