Clumb yesterday. It could have been worse. i think i was going for the "flame out" session before i'm sentenced to Deming for OB/Gyn. Ummm...well, my hands have been in worse shape. i can say that. i have felt more arthritic, and have at times had less mobility in the pingers. Highlights: i got a couple of 4s, and i barely missed the finish hold on a "v5-" that will end up having been one of the hardest problems i've done in a very long time. So even though my hands hurt, and i still can't crimp for poop, i have hope that i can attain a high enough anabolic state to perhaps one day heal enough to pull hard again. i figure descending to the third world for a while might just do my hands some good. i'm hoping to find a cheap gym down there.
...and because nobody read that post, i'll just keep writing until someone does bleeding read my handiwork...
Clumb again. Yesterday, again, now. It hurt. Really rather a lot. As in, it hurts to brush my teeth. As in, the 2 year old grabbed my finger, and i thought he'd broken it. As in, it hurts the nearest joint to tap my fingertips on my lap. But i caressed the finished hold for a goodly while on the proj before i glooped off. And i actually did get some homework done this time 'round.
There is nearly no skin left on my tips. It stings to brush my thumb across 'em. Good times.
dude, that sounds like a wee bit of pain there.. 2 yr olds arent that strong! heheh
How lonh are you banished to deming??
seis semanas.
I wonder if the snatch in deming smells of taco seasoning.
Eeeee....They all goin smell like Mentholatum to me.
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