Friday, February 10, 2012

GarthWalker the Barometric Marauder

i've been a li'l off this week, honestly. i missed OH press on monday, then i missed deads on wednesday. Today would'a put me about 3 weeks off of bench. So i made 'em all up today. 3/3/3 day on deads. It was 385, 400, and 425. i did 405 'stead of 400 'cuz of the plate issue. i planned to pony up 5 on the last set, but i got that weird air-bubble thang stuck in my chest on rep two, and i settled for 3 reps. But it didn't feel like enough of a workout. Even did the first set without the belt on. Then it was 5/5/5 on bench. Should'a been 185, 200, and 210. Didn't get the last rep with 210. i think i could have, but i figured i'd probably be rolling the bar off'n me chest. Could'a used a spotter there. Then 3/3/3 for OH press. i think bench had a negative impact on these. 140, 145, and 155. i got one rep locked out with 155. i was just trashed. Didn't do any accessory work.

Did climb long about wednesday afternoon. Had the babe 'bout 0330 in the morning, and had to stay till the next day; so by five that evening or so i was pretty stir crazy. She let me slip off for a bit since the gym was just down the road. i think it went better than monday's session. Hard to say. Still not particularly great. It highlighted for me that i have matching biceps/brachioradialis tendonitis that, for whatever reason, just won't heal. Maybe that's stress too. And i also managed to inflame the DIPs in both pointer-fingers. That's getting old.

But my brand-spanking new bebe is awfully cute. Very likable li'l feller. You should meet 'im one o' these days.


R6Medic said...

I'd love to meet the lil squirt! any plans on going to sny town soon? or we could have glenn fly us all up there seein as how he's rollin durrty now! hehehe

How big was baby Tron and all that? 12lbs and 32 inches long?

c said...

i'd imagine we will be down in the nearish future. (Seeing as i'd have a better chance of winning the lottery than having anyone slope up here to visit us). But i'm down with Suga'Daddy footin' the private plane tab.

Umm, Megalon Excelcion Caesar V was 7 lbs 8oz and 19 3/4" tall. And his first phrase was, "Father, it is far too comfortable here. Where's the pain?"