Wednesday, March 21, 2012

holla' back

Deload week. Still. i do believe this is the first deload week wherein i've actually done anything weight-lifty at all. Pretty good back workout today. Deads first: 2 x 10 with 225, then 2 x 10 with 315. No belt and i tried the overhand grip thing, but my hands started unraveling after 3 reps or so with 315, so i switched to the staggered grip. And i didn't take chalk in for some reason. Them there hurt: felt like my spine was coming unhinged toward the end. Then did bent over BB rows: 135 x 12, then 2 x 6 with 185. Then good-mornings: 4 x 12 with 115. Then a set of 20 pullups with bw. (i ain't getting any skinnier, it turns out.) Then one-arm DB rows. Hadn't done those in a while-e-o. Umm, think it was 12 with 70, then 2 x 8 with 80. Left arm wasn't feeling quite as spry as my right. But i like those things. i'm gunna hafta add 'em back in. Then 4ish sets of face pulls with increasingly heavy random amounts of weight. Those are tricky. i like the motion, but the only way i can get the angle right is to so 'em standing up. Only then i have to lean back to not pull myself forward--which tends to change the angle. The stoopid seated row machine doesn't adjust, and the angle of pull's so low, it doesn't work what i want to work. Anyhow: still a pretty fine workout.


Pappa G said...

Sounds like a good one. I can't remember the last time I did a workout with that many exercises. I'd love to, but there just never seems to be enough time...

c said...

Just haul the boys out there with you and time will appear. What else you gonna do for a couple o hours?