Wednesday, March 7, 2012


i had a hard time getting outta bed this morning. i had a hard time bathing my further-distal appendages. i had a hard time securing my shoes on my feet. My back felt exactly as it tends to the day after a hard deadlifting session. Only i hadn't done that session yet. My spine felt compressed. Anyhow, i moseyed in to where i was s'posed to work today, and the FNP i was to work with was off for the day. Yay for the home team!! So i moseyed right back home and thought seriously about doing my impending back workout. Then i was struck with an epiphany: why not walk to the gym? Maybe it'd loosen m' back up a bit. So i did. Packed the Inzer and chalk into my backpack and took advantage of a sunny breezy day for the walk.

It was 3/3/3 day on deads. Umm: 385, 410, and 435. But i had to seriously convince myself i was gunna look like a little girl if i didn't. (i don't know whom, just exactly, for i'd look like such; only i knew i didn't wanna post up that i'd bailed.) It hurt a ton, and i think i might have actually damaged a hamstring. But once again what hurt the most was the air in my chest. i can't seem to figure that one out. When that's not there, i feel like a monster. But when i get air --i dunno-- trapped in my chest? trachea? esophagus? it hurts like hell. And that sucks. Anyhow, i otherwise finished out with pretty much the same workout as last week, only i didn't do all the good mornings 'cuz they were further damaging my hamstring.

Then i peered out the window and it looked like i had a view from inside a submarine in a toilet full of diarrhea flushing around me. i walked the mile and a half or so back in maybe a 35mph sandstorm.  That out-sucked the workout, so i guess i have that to be thankful for. Anyways, i gots to modify my sleeping arrangement or i'm going to be an invalid soon. i'm happy to have that workout over with.


Pappa G said...

That's cool. Maybe try speedwalking.

Good job on the deads.

c said...

Mm, thanks. Yeah. Speed walking. I'm not that old yet.