Yesterday I did back. That was nearly crippling. 5/5/5 day on deads. That was 360, 380, and 410. I think I nearly tore open my lower esophageal sphincter on the last two reps. Seems like the last cycle or two, i've been ending up with 405 on these, and it didn't feel that bad. But this made me hurt for it. Took some introspection and soul-searching to not quit after number 3. I just didn't have much pain tolerance. Then I did bent over bb rows, face pulls,Oh, and weighted pullups. Haven't done those in a coon's age. I've lost some serious strength on those. But every time I do'em I get like a crazy tendonitis in my brachioradialis. Can't seem to get over it. And good-mornings.
Today i did abs. Even less pain tolerance. Hanging leg raises, side bends with a db, some crunches. Bleh. Not that it was a terrible workout--i just had no strength and sad, sad pain tolerance. Hopefully i'll sleep some before next week.
And i get to go home tomorrow. Pretty amped about that. Peace.
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