Monday, April 2, 2012


Clumb before leaving town sunday. It didn't go too badly. It didn't go too goodly; but it didn't go too badly. Mostly, i didn't hurt just everywhere for the first time in a long while. That was nice. i'll happily attribute that to the couple of runs/ detox i did last week. i warmed up with some pullups, and my brachioradialis muscles didn't feel like they were about to pop. i cranked into some two-finger pocket hangs, and my joints didn't try to disavow association with one another. i came very close to flashing another v5. That was kinda cool. But my project didn't go. i did lots of warm up for it. i did lots of warm up around it. i refused to make eye contact with it. (i've gotten nearly superstitious about the thing). Then i jumped on the crux and sent from there first go. But i couldn't stick The Move. Couldn't. Could. Not. This i attribute to the pint of Scotch i had the night prior.

But i did some otherwise really quite solid climbing. And i didn't hurt.


Today i smooshed together the benching i was supposed to do last friday with the usual OH press workout. 5/3/1 on bench (finally). It was 185, 210, and 235. This time i conscripted a spotter, got one with 235, but couldn't quite lock out the second. But it was a better workout. Spotters are worth every cent of the $0.00 i pay 'em. Then OH press was 3/3/3 day. 140, 145, and 155. i got 'em all, but locking out that last rep took some hitching, and generally hoping that the spring clips didn't slide off the bar. Li'l harder after heavy bench, methinks. Then i did dips: 4 x 12 with bw. Then DB militaries supersetted with lateral flyes. Those started just sucking. Also did some cable pressdowns. That's a different deal stacking shoulders in with chest/ tris, but i really liked it. Made for a very meaty workout, and i was still outta the gym in about an hour.

On a happier note, tomorrow's my last day of schoo', and She seems very interested in jobs all over 'Raddy. That makes me really glad. And i'll go home to my happy li'l strip-mall gym with a new appreciation for how never-at-all do they have Sexual Chocolate on the playlist. Now to get that resume in sendable condition.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

Do that would ya. I need more excuses to go to Colorado. Enjoy your last day in estrogen paradise.