Monday, April 9, 2012

Second verse

Climbed again yesterday. This time i did some toe touches first. But before i could jump on the proj, i ran into a friend and got talked into leading some routes. That's fun. i have no endurance at all. But it was fun. Then i got on that route i'd hurt myself on a few days ago. i tested my hamstring lightly and it felt like it should hold. So i raced through the first bits of the route, dropped into that heel-hook boldly, and i actually heard (and felt) something crunch. i'm pretty sure i didn't completely rupture the 'string, 'cuz it doesn't hurt enough, but it's mighty stiff and sore today. i can straighten it out, so it can't be that bad, but i might just skip the deads this week. And that bums me out like crazy. i've really been feeling like i have another pr on the horizon. And i feel like i've chucked it in the toilet. And on top of it, my shoulder feels much like i dislocated it. Haven't figured that one out just yet, but i can't lift my arm above my head. i'm planning on doing back, so i'm going to try some deads to see how it feels--probably tomorrow. So who knows? But i can't wait 'til wednesday 'cuz i have a certain dead-lift-limiting procedure scheduled for that very morning. Now to go ride mountain bikes for three hours with a mauled hamstring.


i'm tired of being in limbo here. i think i need a job and a kind of routine.


Pappa G said...

I wish I could see a new PR on the horizon. I can't seem to get in enough to get any stronger. But, yeah. Get yourself a job. Aint no way I could hang at the house everyday.

c said...

Yeah. I do need a job. But so far I ain't exactly hanging at the house daily. AS much as I need to find a job, I need to pass boards worse. So I'm actually doing a lot of studying for me. Funny how peeling off 5 C-notes motivates me to pass that the first time.