Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Week 4 day 2

Made it through the second of the long back-to-back ARC seshes. And that went just swimmingly. Except that some kid was determined to make me fall off  the wall, and at one point actually put his hand in my chalk bag. i just looked over at his mom, who stared on in abject complacency, and i continued climbing after asking him to please not do that. Freak.

Then he came up later and let me know that it was probably about time to clip my toenails.

Nevertheless, i did 3 sets of 30 mins on the Olde Wall with 10 mins rest or less between. Tomorrow's just two sets. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Week 3 and 1/3 of week 4

Didn't get to post last week. Just no time, or motivation or such.

Got in 3 days (Tues, Wed, and Thurs) of ARCing last week (wk 3) with 3 sets of 25mins on Tues and Wed, and 2 sets of 25 mins on Thurs. Also got in a short mountain bike ride before climbing on Thurs.

Did end up somehow hurting my thumb, but i don't know how. Still kinda feeling that, but it seems to be healing.

Once again, i didn't manage to get in any outdoor routes over the weekend. But i can live with that-- my hands still feel like ground sausage.

Today i got in the first ARCing of week 4: three sets of 30 mins with about 10 mins rest between. And now i'm hurting. But i made it through, and i feel good about that.

Got the same coming up tomorrow, and 2 sets of 30 mins on Thurs. If i make it through this week, i shall feel i've built some real character. And i believe i have my first proper hangboard workout coming up at the end of the week. Kinda looking forward to that.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Aaaand week 2

Did get in 2 sets of 30 mins' ARCing yesterday, with about 10 mins rest between. That was encouraging. Actually felt good; and that was surprising after how dull and detached and wasted i felt on Tues. Gives me hope that this thang could look up. Actually felt way stronger than usual. Even got done and went and did some quick pullups, dips, and tire flippin'.

Haven't got in any outdoor mileage this week, and that's not looking to improve o'er the weekend. But these next two weeks are looking to be brutal, workout-wise. And my work schedule should reduce to normal again. So i'm not too bent outta shape. Making progress. Making progress. Making progress.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Into week 2

Yeah, this week is < fun. No time. Did manage to get in the ARC workout yesterday. 2 sets of 30mins with about 10mins o' rest between. Did not feel particularly strong. Didn't climb at all over the weekend, so i was hoping to at least be very well rested, but i really felt like dropping off the wall after about 5 mins of the first set. But i made it through. Got another of the same (2 x 30mins) tomorrow.

Tired of this week. But i do like the ARC seshes. Pretty relaxing, as far as sucking wind and sweating like a beaten race horse goes. And i am grabbing stuff and yarding on it--even tired--that i wouldn't have given any serious thought to a few weeks ago.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Week one

ARCin' today: Plan called for 2 sets of 25mins, and i did 2 sets of 30 mins with maybe 5 or so mins between. Went in a li'l early to get it all in, and was hoping for an iron workout, but i still was racing to work. No iron. Just climbing. But it sho did feel better than last week. i can believe i might just see some big gains from this enduro work.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Went in to the klettergym yesterday afternoon for some routes. Did a nice long traverse warmup, found a friend and threw down a 5.9ish warmup, then started workin' a proj. Got another friend in on the action, and we started working 'er properly. I finally got the send on about the fourth burn, which felt very very terribly awfully good.

I'm not good at rating that sort of climb. Short (25-30'), very thin balancy start to a very good shake out, to a v4/5 boulder crux. I'd guess it's conservatively 11c/d, but i ain't sure.

At any rate, i hauled a lofty percentage of my lard up on a slopey, half-pad right hand pinch more times than i can remember whilst unlocking the sequence, and that made for a pretty fine day o' climbing--2 routes in total notwithstanding.

Tomorrow it's s'posed to be another ARCing day. And maybe some weights.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Start Day

Friday got to go climbing with a friend in Durango. Did four routes, but they were ferlippin' pumpy suckas, and while i hung on every single route at least once, i still felt pretty good about the day. Veeeeery nice to get on some real rock again and take some decent falls. Can already tell it's been helping me in the gym--especially with my footwork.

Today i ARCd. Was gunna do 2 sets of 30 mins, but i was running late for work and did 1 x 30 and 1 x 20 with about 5mins rest between. And i was torched. And to be fair, the workout i'm doing only called for 2 sets of 20mins. But my fingers and forearms didn't feel damaged, and that's been a big fear. Right ring finger flexor's been feeling on the edge of rupture, and sat and sun i was feeling some righteous golfer's elbow on the left. Seems to have subsided with glucosamine, tons of fish oil, Tiger Balm and generous taping. On looking at the calendar, i guess i wasn't supposed to do this workout 'til tomorrow, but that wouldn't work terribly well. Should have a rest day tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Haven't posted in a bit, but i haven't done much. Haven't lifted in a coupla weeks, but i'm planning to--hopefully tomorrow. Did go climbing on real rock after church on sunday, and that was a good time. Gotta get my head back into clipping up the real stuff. i'm used to having my holds conveniently pointed out in high-contrast relief to the ambient wall. This feeling-around-for-a-hold stuff... i dunno. But i am gunna say i'm a li'l stronger than the last time i was on real rock. Got about three routes up.

Went in on monday to ARC, but got taken by a bunch of new routes at the gym, and ended up doing those instead. Still made for a good climbing day.

Pretty much haven't done anything else. Am making some good headway on the Moonboard.