Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Week 3 and 1/3 of week 4

Didn't get to post last week. Just no time, or motivation or such.

Got in 3 days (Tues, Wed, and Thurs) of ARCing last week (wk 3) with 3 sets of 25mins on Tues and Wed, and 2 sets of 25 mins on Thurs. Also got in a short mountain bike ride before climbing on Thurs.

Did end up somehow hurting my thumb, but i don't know how. Still kinda feeling that, but it seems to be healing.

Once again, i didn't manage to get in any outdoor routes over the weekend. But i can live with that-- my hands still feel like ground sausage.

Today i got in the first ARCing of week 4: three sets of 30 mins with about 10 mins rest between. And now i'm hurting. But i made it through, and i feel good about that.

Got the same coming up tomorrow, and 2 sets of 30 mins on Thurs. If i make it through this week, i shall feel i've built some real character. And i believe i have my first proper hangboard workout coming up at the end of the week. Kinda looking forward to that.

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