Friday, April 24, 2015

Back work

Weighed in at 194 and change this am. Did a second session of back work yesterday, with about 2 weeks between this time 'round. Went far better than i'd a right to expect.

Deficit Deads:
20 floor touches
20 x the bar
12 x 145 SL
8 x 245 SL
4 or 5 x 345 normal
2 x 395 (belt for these)
1 x 445 Locked this nicely

Good Mornings:
3 x 12 x 135 (accidentally started 40# heavier than usual. Worked out just fine.)
1 x 12 x 155 Peachy

25 x BW
2 x 10 x +25
2 x 6 x +45 (Got 7 on the last set.)

DB one-arm Rows:
10 x 90
2 x 5 x 110 (Got 6 both arms on the last set.)

Then i went and got a bow and shot that for several hours. :)

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