Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hangboard #4

Odd one. I'd have said up front that i really wasn't feeling it tonight. Kinda tired going out there. Turned out to be an ok workout, and gains were made; but i lost on a few. Ah well. Taped all 5 fingers, 'cuz i'm used to f 2 and 5 dragging on some of the grips, but it ain't necessary anymore.

WUJ:  -15:  Fine.

Large Open:
1:  +20 (up 5#):  No fail. Nice start.
2:  +30 (up 5#):  Failed last 2.5 reps. f5 tape was slipping. Don't tape this.

F 2,3:
1:  -40 (same):  No fail.
2:  -30 (up 5#):  Came off last second last rep. Not bad.

1:  -20 (up 5#):  Failed with tape slipping last couple.
2:  -10 (same):  Failed, really the last 3 reps. Don't know. Li'l humid maybe?

F 2,3,4:
1:  -30 (+5):  Huh. No fail. Not too bad.
2:  -20 (+5):  No fail! Weird!

Wide Pinch:
1:  -40 (+5):  Failed last 2 reps, and couldn't figure out why. I thought i was keeping weight the same at -45, but i counted wrong. That made me feel a li'l bit better.
2:  -30 (+5):  Rad. Failed last rep...greasing off at the end. Not too bad. That puts me tidily past where i was in May.

1:  BW (same):  Failed last rep.
2:  +15 (up 5#):  No fail!?? i cannot explain this. It's like i just don't have enough chalk on for that seventh rep, but six is no problem. Totally mental i guess.

Narrow Pinch:
1:  -60 (+5):  Failed last rep. whew. Made the executive decision to up it 5lbs at the last second, and i'm not at all sure it was a good one.
2:  -50 (+5):  Hm. Failed last 3ish. Bad way to end, but that does include 7 reps on this one. Really wasn't that bad.

Again, gains were made here.  Can't help but think it might have been more profound if i'd summoned a li'l more amperage. Horses seem to like Yo-Yo Ma better than the heavier stuff, but i might have to dismiss their opinion next go round.

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