Went back last night to meet Steph, but she no-showed on me, so i hung with a friend. It started off bad-- we both botched a 5.10 TR problem that should'a been easy. Then we settled in with some other guys working a v5 on the top-out boulder. i worked through all the moves on it, but couldn't link it up before we left. went back this afternoon to see if i could send it, but i kept falling on the top off a move i managed yesterday. So i ran into another cat i climb with occasionally, and he got me working a 6-, and a 5+ with 'im. didn't have the ammo in the guns for the hanging start on the 6, but all the moves seemed doable, and i worked through most of it. Also worked out the crux move on the 5. It'll definitely go when i'm healed, and it's solid 5. Finally, made an effort on a razor blade crimp problem. Should'a flashed that, but i scrogged the finish sequence and got spit off. Fingertips wouldn't allow another serious try.
went back with Steph and the kiddos this evening, but we didn't have much time by the time we got there. i did get to go back to the boulder and finish that teensy crimper prob. Goes at v3ish. Then got a v4 mantle problem i've got wired. Guess the trend now is two sessions per day. Only i feel a rest coming on-- i can see the capillaries in the tips of a couple o' fingers where i almost, but not quiiite yet have managed to grate away all the flesh. Tearing a chunk outta a fingertip is not one of those things i want to have to heal from.
so is steph making any progress? is she throwing any v3-4s yet?
Mmhmm. Yeah. Her five minutes on a 5.6 each week is working miracles.
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