Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The whole world calls me "Hank"

i'm getting a li'l desperate for motivation here. This semester just keeps on not ending. Turns out m' math teacher lost our last exam, so we have the option of either retaking it or having that test struck from the record (which increases the weight of all the other exams.) Thing is, i know i got an A on it which would be some really nice padding. Very irritating. i can't seem to sleep well ever. i have a damaged left pointer finger, a damaged left rotator cuff, and bilateral biceps tendonitis. i need to do something besides just climbing, but i can't dredge up the motivation to get into the gym regularly. So i have gaping muscle imbalances. Got 1 beer left in the fridge, and maybe an ounce of scotch left. (That's probably a very good thing, come to think of it.) One of my stupid cats just woke Katja up, and the dog jumped the wall again and is sitting in our front yard cuz she's too scared of me to come in the door. Wow. i sound like a country song today. i think i could use a trip to Banff. Yeehaw.


Pappa G said...

Kill the dog. It'll make you feel better.

So why not go for a run? That couldn't be bad for you.

c said...

That does sound good. It sounds good in the same way it probably sounds good to a morbidly obese, double-amputee diabetic: Man i wish i wuz in shape to do something like that. It snowed here last night. It's snowy. The climbing session yesterday suffered rather dramatically from having had beer with breakfast, and i ended up twisting an ankle (fairly mildy, thank heaven.) Then it turned out i bombed my chem. exam. i think i'm ready for a reboot. Maybe i will go for that run.