Friday, January 6, 2012

a week back in it

The mantra of the week is Prophylactic Ibuprofening.

 i am a wrecked shell-- the empty hull of what i was before. i do think i've purged most of the poisons i took aboard over the last couple of weeks. But i'd lost a lot of fitness, and several different breeds of fitness. Being back home, it's been like being in a candy store. And i've basically climbed myself into a hole. Been trying to climb like i was climbing pre-Farmtown, and i'm not there yet. Power-wise, i'm in pretty good shape--no real loss there. Enduro-wise, i'm a fat guy trying to climb on li'l girl arms.

So the 5/5/5 deads took their toll. i went in yesterday for p'lups. S'posed to be 5/5/5 with 85, 90, and 95. i got 4.5 with 85 and couldn't lock out a fifth. So i dropped to 80, and failed solidly on number 4. So i went climbing instead. Took my harness with me to just do laps on routes, and i took homework so i could take long breaks 'tween burns. But i spent the lion's share of the session working all the moves out on a v6. Didn't link, but that'll go on a fresher day. i did do some routes, i was fried on a 5.10, and totally melted off of an 11. This was on autobelay, mind, so i weighed probably 10-15 lbs less.

Today it's bench. Results pending.


...i am mostly inflamed tendons. i could'a used a spot--or at least someone yelling at me-- on bench today. 5/5/5 with 185, 200, and 210. i got 3 with 210, but i had to will it up there. i would definitely have tried the last two if i'd have had a spot. Also did some DB flyes, dips, and cable press-downs. i feel kinda ill now. i have that feeling of poisonous tendonitis starting at the deltoid tuberosity, wrapping 'round the inside of biceps,  spreading across the back of the forearms, and ending kinda at the base of the thumbs. Both arms. i can't figure out what to rub or stretch. It's just everywhere. Maybe some light jogging this weekend?

But that climb is so doable! It is like a drug.


Pappa G said...

I feel your toxic pudge. Haven't really lost stength, but I feel like I weigh 1000 stone.
Have you done a V6 before? That seems crazy cool. Specially in the Clydesdale class. ;)

c said...

Heh heh! i told one of the skinnies i was climbing with the other day that i was 208, and he had to control the eye spasm for politeness.

But yeah, i've done a few v6 before. Or at least that was the rating on the tape. Ratings are a little bit too fluid in the gym.