Wanted to tip in to ye olde climbgym yesterday after work to see if i could lay to rest a projecto, along with its ghost which haunts my closed eyes. But She was certain She was gunna loose a baby on the world, and i figured if i went climbing in the face of that i'd look like a true ass. So i came home and got some Plants v Zombies played. (i got the cob launcher, but i haven't had a chance to use it yet.) So today i was torn between lifting and climbing. i've actually gotten kinda attached to both of 'em. i hate having to face this kind of choice on wednesdays. It's an off day from the clinic, and it would (as such) be the perfect day to go climb for three hours, seeing as She isn't generally here anyhow. It is for that reason that i've taken a shine to sneaking a quickie in at the climbgym on mon or tues evening--then there's no temptation to spend today on it, and i don't end up with fulminant tendonitis. But today was deads, and i didn't wanna miss that. So i lifted.
5/5/5 day for deads on a 470 max. Should'a been 355, 380 and 400, but i upped it to 405 so's to get to put bigger plates on. Funny how motivating that can be. Anyhow, got 'em all. On the the bent o'er BB rows i dropped my heavier weight to 175 from 185, and my form improved rather a lot. i tried some face pulls, but i'm not coordinated enough with 'em yet to know if i'm working what i'm supposed to be working. Plus, i did 'em on the low row machine so's to have some leverage to pull against, and i ain't sure that's right. There's no machine with a pulley at face level, and it seems like it'd pull a brutha off balance from just standing. i'm probably over-thinking it, but that's gunna take some practice. Finished with good-mornings, 4 x 12 x 115. Think i might bump that up a notch next time. i like them thar--they hurt. i didn't do abs. Gunna try to integrate 'em with bench at the end of the week. This workout takes too long with abs. And i need to make some major tweaks on the ab work. But deads went well enough, and that's good. i sorta feel like if i were to stagnate right now, or hit a bad plateau, i'd just topple off into the abyss. Between school crap and the looming birth, sitting at home nursing a beer or 6 kinda sounds like the responsible thing to do.
On that note, i'm getting kinda obsessed with the weight loss thing again. Went to Wild Oats today and got a bunch of oils. (They actually have a pretty impressive collection). Didn't find red palm oil, but they had avocado oil, walnut oil, virgin coconut oil, and hemp oil. i poured some avocado oil on my steak this morning, and it wasn't nearly as weird as i'd expected--actually kinda tasty. Put some hemp and walnut in my blueberry protein smoothie, and that's a new winner. Hemp oil kinda rocks.
How could hemp oil be bad? At the very least, it's gotta smell awesome. I've gotta find somewhere I can order oils. Our grocer carries several brands of Olive, Canola, Vegetable (made with real cotton seed), and Lard oils. I know that sounds like a good variety, but it kind of makes me want to wretch.
Hemp oil rocketh. Good omega profile. That oil article on t nation is really helpful. Um, try Rose Mountain. i've heard they have pretty good prices if you wanna buy in bulk. http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/bulkoil/m-r.php#omr_o_palmf
Actually this place has a way better price on palm oil at least. http://www.bulknaturaloils.com
Cool. I'll check that out.
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