Friday, March 23, 2012

bench again

After nearly 3 weeks off of bench, i made myself go in yesterday. Did chest and abs. 3/3/3 day on bench. It was 200, 210 and 225. Only i did 5 with 200, and missed the last rep with 225. Not as bad as i deserved, i'd reckon. Did some dips, and DB flyes too. Abs was sad. Been a couple of weeks on those as well. Straight leg raises for 1 x 30 and one with 20ish. Then a couple sets of 20 hanging crunches and a couple sets of 20 on each side of DB oblique thingies with a 70. i need to stay on that better. The workout just always falls on a friday, and i go home (usually) soon's i can on friday afternoon. But it wasn't too bad, for all that. And it was a nice day, so i walked the couple of miles to the gym. Prob'ly won't get anything in today, but hopefully i can pull off a nice climb sesh this weekend sometime. It was deload week, so hopefully i'll be nice and healed. Peace.


Pappa G said...

Two weeks left in Demming?

c said...

Ano, dva.