Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hangboard and some HIIT

To catch up, Monday la hija y yo did our first Tabata workout. We got our booties kicked.

Before that, i did a sprint workout with the ol' HR monitor. That kicked my butt too. Did a 6ish minute warmup in the 140s, then set the timer and sprinted 20secs on with 10 secs rest for 6 intervals, then cooled down on the way back home. Short, sweet, and it drained me like the outta shape cow i am.

So-- the Tabata: It's 20 secs of exercise, hard as you can go, followed by 10 secs of rest, then next exercise. Four exercises in all, finish and repeat the whole thing for-- i think the whole session lasts 4mins in all.

Workouts were pullups, hanging leg raises, pushups, and hanging crunches (with the gravity boots).

First set of p'lups went swimmingly: got maybe 17. HLRs hurt pretty much from the get go as i've not activated my abdominal wall in many moons. Think i got 15 or so. Pushups were predictably embarrassing, but i got 18 or so. Hanging crunches... i looked like a quivering sloth. I could do these by grabbing my thighs and cheating. Don't really know why, cuz i've done em before. But i felt nearly paralyzed.

Second set: Pullups were off. I was having trouble remembering my identity or why i was doing any of this by now. Think i summoned 5 or 6 before i just hung there staring helplessly at the bar. HLRs...i think i managed some. Sad. Pushups, i think i might have been crying--don't remember-- but i got a few. Hanging Crunches were-- if they could get more amusing than the first set, they did. I did get some blood to my skull. And i may have cheated out a few.

I think i'd be skinnier if i did this workout frequently.

Yesterday (Tues) i climbed with the kids. So i didn't get a lotta climbing done. That was ok, 'cuz i slept like poo the night prior, and felt just as i'd slept. Did pull down a few decent boulder problems. This was supposed to be a warmup for a hangboard sesh, but i was not feeling it. Didn't happen. On the bright side, Annie led her first couple o' climbs like a champ. Chick's got some skeelz.

Did do the hangboard workout today. As above, this was supposed to happen yesterday, but only because i've slid off schedule by a day. Yesterday woulda' put me two days out from the last session, and that honestly wouldn't have been enough rest. So i'm ok with having put it off. Better sesh today than it'd otherwise have been yesterday.

Set 1: Warm-up Jug:  -10:  Easy peasy

Set 2: F 2,3,4 2-pad pocket:  -25: This was up from -30# last time. Felt hard on last rep, but no fail.

Set 3: Medium edge (semi-closed):  -30:  Hard on last rep but no fail. Consider increasing next time.

Set 4: Medium Pinch:  -30:  Whole set i felt i could go heavier, felt easy, but then i failed on the last rep 'cuz it was so dang hot, and i sweated off.

Set 5: F 3,4 2-pad pocket:  -45:  Failed on the last 3 reps.

Set 6: Large open-hand edge:  -10:  Felt tired, but also very hot, and i dechalked.

Set 7: Wide pinch:  -45:  Very hot. Failed on last 4 reps. That's in spite of taking an extra 5# off.

Set 8: Sloper:  -10: Here i increased by 5#. Felt very hard. Failed on last 2 reps, again mostly 'cuz of the heat.

Set 9: F 3,4,5 2-pad pocket:  -35:  Here again i increased by 5 # from last sesh. Very hard, and i failed on last 2 reps; but again, prolly cuz of the sweat factor. Otherwise i don't think i'd'a failed.

Overall a decent session. I have a fan i want to install on the wall. I do think that'd help--'specially for daytime sessions. A lotta these sets didn't feel hard as much as they felt impossible 'cuz of sweat. I'll probably keep my weights the same for the next session and see if it goes better if it's just not so hot. 'Bout getting weights reasonably dialed in.

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