Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hangin' On (session 3)

I still haven't managed to get a hangboard session in on the correct day. Was supposed to have done this workout yesterday, but just wasn't feelin' it. Worked out just fine: had a really good sesh of it; but i'd'a' like to have seen what she feels like to do the workouts 3 days apart 'stead o' 4. Next time p'r'aps.

Set 1: Warm up jug: -10#  No change here. Easy.

Set 2: F 2,3,4 2-pad pocket: -30#  This was a 5# increase (up from -35#). No fail, still felt easy. Could still go heavier next time.

Set 3: Medium edge (semi-closed): -30#  Again, hard, but didn't fail. Might try -25# next time.

Set 4: Medium pinch: -30#  Added weight this time from -25#. Hard but no fail. Stick with that one more session, then back to -25#.

Set 5: F 3,4 2-pad pocket: -45#  Failed at the very hairy end of the last rep. Very hard. Felt 'bout right.

Set 6: Large open hand edge: -10#  This time i moved outward to 3rd finger on middle dimple top edge. Harder but no fail.

Set 7: Wide pinch: -40#  Failed toward the middle of the last 3 reps. Very painful on the skin at the 4th MCP. Tape better next time. Otherwise 'bout right.

Set 8: Sloper: -15#  Easy 'til the chalk wore off.

Set 9: F 3,4,5 2-pad pocket: -40#  Hardish, but no fail. Taped my pinkies better this time, and it helped.

Overall good workout. Still have some weights to dial, but this was a lot closer. Man, i only thought deadlifts were mental. Talking meself outta putting a toe down on the ground with 2ish seconds left in the rep and i can feel my skin tearing or slipping--- that's mental.

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