Sunday, August 31, 2014

HB #6, or whatever

Today i did yesterday's HB workout. That is because yesterday i went climbing with a friend, and we worked some routes. And my hands felt very much like arthritic poo. Beautiful place, Cascade; but a li'l harder "warmup" than i was wanting to do for hangboardin'.

SO: got 'er done this evening.

Set 1:  Warm-up Jug:  -10#:  Harder today. Still easy. Feelin' yesterday.

Set 2:  F 2,3,4 2-pad pocket:  -20#:  Kept this the same today in view of ensuing increases for coming sets. Hard at the last rep, but not very hard. Increase next time.

Set 3:  Medium edge (semi-closed):  -20#:  This was a 5# increase. Definitely harder, but no fail. :)

Set 4:  Medium pinch:  -25#:  Hardish, but no fail. Increase.

Set 5:  F 3,4 2-pad pocket:  -40#:  Failed last rep. Very hard. Again, definitely feeling yesterday. Hurt from the first rep, so i think it went surprisingly well.

Set 6:  Large open hand edge:  -10#:  Hard. Failed last 2 reps. Mostly painful. Need to tape F2 prox to  DIP.

Set 7:  Wide pinch:  -45#:  Very hard. Failed last 2 reps. Suffering for yesterday.

Set 8:  Sloper:  -5#:  Very hard, but about right. Failed last few secs of last rep.

Set 9:  F 3,4,5 2-pad pocket:  -30#:  Hard, but no fail. If i were feelin' my oats next time, could increase.

This was a happily good workout considering yesterday's intensity. One HB workout to go. We'll see if i can actually pull it off on the correct day. At any rate, i'm loving this hangboarding deal. Definitely getting stronger.

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