Wednesday, September 3, 2014

HB #7 (Final)

Actually did a hangboard workout at the appropriate interval for once. Interesting workout and interesting day. This was the last HB workout for the season, so i wanted to get it right and go to the next phase psyched and strong. As such, i went in yesterday and worked a couple of limit boulder problems 'til my hands were mushy. Today i very intentionally didn't touch the climbin' wall; but to get the humours flowin', i did a tabata workout--same as last time. That went ok (excepting the doofus that decided to use my decline crunch bench as i was about to go to that, so that i had to do a third set of straight leg raises instead). Then i did some not-terribly-heavy DB rows and DB OH press. Then to work. Home again. Weighed in pre-workout at 199. And the HB sesh:

Set 1:  Warm-up jug:  -10:  Easy. Bit distracted.

Set 2:  F 2,3,4 2-pad pocket:  -15#: Kinda easy. This was a 5# increase. Nice vibe.

Set 3:  Medium Edge (semi-closed):  -20#:  Kept this the same. felt a lot easier though. Li'l hard at the end. Not bad.

Set 4:  Medium pinch:  -20#:  Fairly easy. Again, a 5# increase. That's happy juice.

Set 5:  F 3,4 2-pad pocket:  -40#:  This was very hard. No fail. Nearly...

Set 6:  Large open-hand edge:  -10#:  Very hard. Failed last rep. Taped prox to the F2 DIP for this un, and it helped.

Set 7:  Wide pinch:  -45#:  Untaped F2 for this. Very hard. Felt great at first, then failed on the last 3 reps.

Set 8:  Sloper:  -5#:  Very hard. Failed in the last half-second of the last rep.

Set 9:  F 3,4,5 2-pad pocket:  Hard. Dug deep, and no fail. Another 5# increase.  :)

It would be hard to think how i could be more pleased with how this season has gone so far. In three weeks (give or take) i've added 10-15 lbs to nearly every grip on the roster, excepting i think wide pinch-- and i've gotten noticeably stronger on that one. And i've felt the gains crossing over into the boulder sessions. Looking forward to sending some hard lines in October.

Next comes power phase and the campusing. Li'l nervous 'bout that...

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