Wednesday, September 24, 2014

4 x 4 fer real. Ish.

Actually came up with a real live linked boulder circuit today. Very hard. Probably a li'l too hard, cuz i never actually linked it. But i did it basically 4 times before i was fried.

Did a 20 min ARC sesh, then did some bouldering. Then up-climbed a v2ish thing, down-climbed a v1ish thing, up-climbed a 3+/4-ish deal, then down-climbed another v2- kind of thing. Just kept getting shut down on the 3rd problem, cuz there's a sloper i just couldn't stick without chalk.

But i felt like it's doable. And i was definitely not crisp and fresh. Still feeling beaten up from Sunday. So i think the circuit will work ok for future trainings. And i think it served its purpose for today.

On a separate note, i did a tabata workout yesterday-- same style i've been doing. Uninspired, but it went.

And what is it about me needing a decline bench for crunches on a timer that inexorably magnetizes the otherwise-dusty bench to elderly, slow people....?  "Hey that guy's eyeing the decline-- i suddenly feel like i need to stimulate my abdominal wall! YeeHaw!"

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