Thursday, September 18, 2014

Campus #3

Weighed in at 195 today with clothes on.

Had a very good, and interesting campus workout today. The trick all along with campusing has been getting a decent warmup up in before engaging the ol' board. There's no campus board at the gym, and i still don't have a proper wall up at home, so i've been stuck warming up, then generally finding a 2 or 3 hour gap 'til i get to campus.

Today i did a really very fine warmup on the hangboard. Worked out great. And while i'd still very much love to get the Moon wall up and going, that's one fewer thing to worry about for now.

Did an up-down-up on the oversized rungs for a warmup, basic ladder style.

The rest was on the XL rungs (2x4s).

Did a set of matching ladder with each hand leading.

Did a couple of sets of basic ladders to r6-- which is my highest rung on those, on Moon spacing-- with each hand leading.

Then i did several max ladders.

B2-L4-R5-match: No problems

B2-L5-R6-match: Did 2 sets of these each hand leading. No problems.

B2-L4-R6-match: Failed (again) going to r6 with both hands on the first set. Then i thought about it, analyzed it, considered readjusting body position, turned the music up, and sent to the match with both hands leading for 2 more sets. Very important (and totally unnatural) to keep the trailing hand engaged, and that hip turned in toward the wall, so that you're pressing with triceps until the dead point. Once i talked my arms and butt into doing it, these felt relatively easy. And that's a nice feeling.

B1-R4-L6 then
B1-L4-R6:  Touched the r6 with both hands, but didn't get over the top of the rung with either hand. That's a big move. Gunna take more analyzin'; but i reckon that'll be for next seeason. At any rate, i tried two sets with each hand leading. Managed to tear a pretty flapper on my index finger on the last rep. Good workout.

That's the last campus sesh this time 'round. One more limit boulder session on saturday, then to power-endurance (and, hopefully, some sending).

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