Sunday, September 28, 2014


Sprinted again today. Rained a bunch last night and today, so it was very muddy, but was also much cooler than heretofore. Kinda nice, really. Basically the same workout as a few days ago: 12 x 20 sec sprints with 10 secs rest between, although on the last few sets i skipped the rests. So a bit more'n 4 mins of sprinting. Seven mins warmup and a small cool down.

Not a great last few days on the diet front. Weighed in this morning at 195.0. Frowny face. But i'm still in the game.

Yesterday i clumb. Went to the gym with the Anne, and i tried to pull down a "12c" on toprope. I very much doubt the "c" part, although i can believe it's a 12. I've gotten it before on toprope, and've aaaaalmost scored it on lead; but the last clip is mighty sketchy. I was hoping to stroll in and walk it on TR after the season's training, and just didn't. Li'l discouraging-- but on the other hand, my hands felt arthritic yesterday. Also i had somewhere in the vicinity of no faith at all in my belayer, which didn't help. Think i woulda rather had Annie on the other end of the rope.

Anyhow, planning on sneaking back in tomorrow for another go.

And on the diet front, i think i need to totally cut nuts out. One of those easy "good-for-you" very high calorie snacks that i've a serious weakness for; and i think i could stay on track with this diet suffering if i could not have the mixed nuts available.

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