Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 2ish (Sun. HB #5)

Right. So this one was supposed to happen on Saturday, but didn't 'cuz we'd stayed up the night before with a sick horse. And that worked out ok, as i'd done too hard a "recovery" day on Thurs anyhow.  Didn't want to do the workout again last night 'cuz i'd been putting up fencing all day yesterday, and my hand hurt going into it-- wasn't sure how it would go. But i'm glad i did it, and it was a really encouraging workout.

Set 1:  Warmup Jug:  -10#:  Easy.

Set 2:  F 2,3,4 2-pad pocket:  -25#:  Felt easy. Failed on these on Wednesday. This time i did 'em at night, and the not-90deg coolness made a huge difference. Felt like i could'a' gone harder.

Set 3: Medium Edge (semi-closed):  -30#:  Little hard, but no fail. Could increase.

Set 4:  Medium Pinch:  -30#:  Hard at the end, but no fail.

Set 5:  F 3,4 2-pad pocket:  -40#:  Very hard, but no fail. Failed miserably on these on Wed with -45#, but on a whim i bumped the resistance up, and this was right on. Still kinda cut into my pinkie cuticles, so i'ma hafta figure out what's up and sand it down.

Set 6:  Large open-hand edge:  -10#:  Same weight, but i took F2 to the inner dimple 'stead of F3, and that definitely made it harder. No fail though.

Set 7:  Wide pinch:  -45#:  Very hard. Failed at the very end of the last two reps. That's still a bump upward from the last coupla workouts.

Set 8:  Sloper:  -10#:  Li'l hard on the last rep. Should increase.

Set 9:  F 3,4,5 2-pad pocket:  -35#:  Fairly easy, and with a smile. These felt way hard last time, so this was a happy increase.

Takeaways: First of all, it's striking how much difference 10 or 15 degrees of calor'll change things.

Second, it's striking how some very sore, blistered, worn out hands from hammering with a post driver didn't affect m' hangboarding. At all. Almost odd, really.

Finally, this was a good workout. Dug pretty deep, but it was there to be mined. This was fer sure a step upward.

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