Saturday, January 16, 2016

Back Work

Yesterday i got off work early ('cuz i had to work today), so i went in for some back thrashin'. And it was good.

Did Deficit Deads, and got 445 up to the bottom of my patellae, but couldn't muster the wherewithal to lock. This convinced me i should work on pin lockouts again. Be mighty nice to see the numbers climb.

Then did Good Mornings. That was just fine.

Then did P'lups. That went particularly well, and i worked up to (i believe) a set of 5 with +55 and a set of 3 or 4 with +65. That was satisfying.

Then did DB Rows and worked up to a set of 5 with 115. That was kinda nice too.

Then i did Face Pulls with some weight.

Then did Straight Arm Pressdowns. I kinda like these, and look forward to seeing how they translate to Campusing.

Good workout.

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