Saturday, June 28, 2008

Supa' Tweak

Had me one of the best days of climbing yesterday i've had in a while. Climbed a li'l bit on mon. & tues., but took the rest of the week off till yesterday evening. Every 6 weeks or so, the gym puts on an informal bouldering comp for members, and they put up a plethora of new routes for it. i'm anxious to see how i ranked, and what some of the ratings will turn out to be; but i flashed nearly everything i tried. There were a few routes i got shut down on, but it was totally 'cuz i tried 'em too late. You could climb all the routes you want, but you could only tally up yer top ten point-value routes, so i didn't try many high-value routes, cuz i didn't want to fry on 'em before i had ten to count. But i'm pretty confident i got a nice big handful of 3s, and nothing under 2. Couldn't tell if any of 'em were 4, but i doubt it. Did see a bunch of skinnies getting spit off'a my flashes, but it could just be that they were females in men's clothing. At any rate, it gave me warm fuzzies. Couldn't help but think i'd'a clumb even better if i'd been wearing a kilt.

Went in to the irongym today for chest, abs, and "legs." It's becoming a natural split to save hard back work and shoulders for after wednesday's climbing. Here's today:

DB Bench:
60s x 10
65s x 8
75s x 7
75s x 5

135 x 10 x 3

Still keeping these real light and rehabilitative.

Incline DB Bench:
60s x 8
65s x 8 x 2


Straight Leg Deads:
95 x 14
115 x 12
135 x 10
185 x 8 x 2

i do these on a 6" high platform and use 25lb. plates or smaller so as to get full r.o.m. That last set evoked flashes of an ibuprofen bottle at the bottom of each rep, but they felt good. No sproings.

Straight Leg Lifts:
15 x 4

Pec Deck:
What difference does it make? i just do 'em cuz i get to flex in front of a mirror.

Soon i wanna start integrating more ab work: get kind'a jiggy with the open chain stuff. Thought of some nice shoulder work i wanna try. Thought about hucking hammers at things, and that made the incline bench and squats take on a happier aura.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


i climbed on mon. for a horrible bad day of it. Depressing. Then i went back on tues. to rectify the situation. i failed to rectify it. i haven't slept in two or three weeks now, and i think that has something to do with it. i think you're right, G: booze is poison. For a good long while there i was holding myself to a "one drink per day" policy. For the last two weeks i've been sticking more or less strictly to a "mildly hammered" policy. i stayed up 'til 5:00 this morning thinking about normal forces on an inclined plane. That's irritating. Tomorrow i have a climbing comp. i must sleep tonight. And i need to lose 10 lbs. before tomorrow, so i'm gonna go running today. Oh, and i looked up the site you posted on the highlands games. That looks like good clean fun. Where would one find a caber to practice with though. And i need one of those hammers. And some tassled socks.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

sat. 21 jun.

weighed in at 198.

Went to ye olde irongym yestern. was a li'l pressed for time, so i kept it skeletal, but i wanna scribble down the progressions so i can remember 'em. It's starting to feel like i can do real workouts again, and they're complex enough that i really need to break 'em down into at least two parts. i've been working back, legs, chest, abs, and everything else on the same day. Mostly it's because i never know how many times i'll actually manage to get into the gym in a week, and i want to make sure to get everything in. i've been getting in fairly faithfully two times a week for the last three weeks or so. i think, though, that i could get in more if i broke it into smaller parts and knew a workout wouldn't take two hours. This has always been my nuclear blowapart point: trying to juggle hard gym workouts and really any other form of hard training and running. The running's fallen out for the last coupl'a weeks, but it's mostly 'cuz we're out of pocket with Katja in the hospital.

Got those raw, then i put some hydraulic jacks under my elbows for the rest.

DB Bench:
8x 65s


On a whim i did squats:

The adductors scream now if i make any unexpected movements with m' legs.

Incline DB Bench:
i think i did:

Cable Rows:

Form felt perfect on these.

Didn't have time for the rest of the workout. Usually do Dips, Hanging Leg Raises, Straight Leg Deads, DB Shrugs, Pec Deck, and Shoulder Flys/Flexion. i wanna incorporate more ab work, more lat work, posterior delt work, and sagittal shoulder extension work. And i think some tricep iso would be helpful. i've tried to keep the iso work to a minimum, but i'm starting to find some weak links. Don't know if i'll keep the squats up, but i sure do like doing 'em. Gotta go visit m' baby. Peace.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Like Arby's "Cheddar"

Found out yesterday just where meltdown lies. Went climbing, but there was really no point. Fell off'a most everything, including some climbs i've done real tired. Won't go back 'til at least mon. Maybe tues. Got a comp one week from today, and wanna be strong for it, so i'll probably put in one day this next week before then. i'll go ahead and commit myself to the other gym tomorrow. And also probably to finishing off this liter-and-a-half o' vin. my joints are creaking. Oh here's a movie recommend: The Bucket List is pretty good. Katja should be outta the pen on tues, GOD allowing. Please keep praying for her.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Wint climin saterdae but it wasunt much off a werkout to brag about. Wint bak yesterdae and a frind wuz ther and he sed he braut his gear and wud i like too do sum roped roots. So we leapfrogged and i'd leed a cupple and heed leed a cupple and so forth. Started on a 5.8 and never got abuv 5.9 but my hands wer waisted smolduring rooned crispy things. Good times. If we can keep it up i mite start gitting sum endurince. It was one of those nice werkouts win i cudnt rilly steer my car rite win i left. Thin i wint bak after class and bouldered sum. Mostly just added too the endurince werkout but i did make sum progress on a project v4. Todae will probublee be a non-werkout dae unless i can find the energy too run. Tumorow will make five werkout daes with only wun rest day between. Theres a comp cumin up in too fridaes and so aisle pae sum lip servis too tapering next weak. Thatll look sumthing lik tryng not too get to fat wile i du nuthing with my hands.

Just finished Orwells "1984" last nite. Spooky buk. ill recomind it.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


It's sat. and i'm presently sleepwriting. Wanted to mark down that i got another irongym workout in on thurs. Was gonna write down the specifics just so i'd have a benchmark to look back on and laugh at later, but i don't think my brain is up to the task. Anyhow, it was a good one. was at 196lbs. thurs., which was an eight lb. loss in a week. Guess i was retaining water; bloated or something. Strange hormones circulating 'round here. i want to climb today. m' hands do not, but who cares what they want. Katja's supposed to get a lumbar puncture today, so please pray for her. i'm led to believe it's for her own good. Bleh. i think i've a sinus infection.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Mum and Da' were here for the weekend, and then Katja was sequestered to the NICU for a positive viral culture, for which crime she's forced to undergo 14 days of i.v. acyclovir in an isolation room, so i'm guessing i'd be weighing in at about 250. (All in my biceps, of course.) i did get a climb session in yesterday between classes, and sent a v4 project. i'm sorta hoping to get in to the iron gym today, and blow out some more rage. i hope you guys are well, and i'm still seriously looking forward to that road trip if yous can figure out yer schedules. i could use about a hundred feet of air under m' shoes about now. Peace out.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ketchup II

There. Got a decent iron workout in. In fact, i'm having some trouble moving now. Weighed in at 204. That's unacceptable (although i feel pretty happy about snagging a v4 at over 200lbs). Haven't been over 200 in a long while. That's what happens when i start lifting. Hopefully some fat loss shall ensue.


Gotta say i'm pretty sore from all that pushing. Heckuva workout, that.

ALLLrighty, now. Lessee here: i did lift on sat. And not a bad session of it either. Sun. we slouched about at a barbeque. Mon. we had a baby. Tues. we brought 'er home, and proceeded to do nothing else whatever. Wed. i had class all flippin' day long, but i did manage to squish a climbing workout in, and had an excellent run at it after having most of a week to heal the tendons. Got one of m' v4 projects, and almost snagged a second. At least got a new high point on it. Today i went into algebra class and had an exam i'd managed to know nothing of theretofore. Steph had possibly the easiest delivery any woman has ever had since before the fall of Eve, and that has contributed greatly to my being able to carry on with life in a semi-normal fashion. i'm gonna try to go lift again today. we'll see. It's funny, but the most exhausting thing about having a baby (aside from her waking up ever so often through the night emanating an amplified cat fight from her larynx) are the people who either call every 30 mins. to make sure all is well, or else insist on doing lots of favors to relieve the stress. The problem is that you have to wait on 'em to do their favor before you can get on with what you'd really rather be doing. The kids were delivered back unto us today at about 16:00 after a two day hiatus, and Aeon was asleep. He was soaked with pee to his ankles, and was still wearing his pullup from last night. "Hey, thanks for watching 'em."

i'm an ass. i can admit that-- an antisocial ingrate. And i deserve to have no friends.

Oh yeah... i do have no friends. Mystery solved. Hope you guys are well, and i'll second that notion that you should come up here to meet my Katja. She's mighty cute.