Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The day after

Maxed yesterd'y. Got 275 on squats. That's a li'l sad, but it was pure glute fail. Can hardly walk today, so i'm skerd to think what i'll feel like after an actual squat workout. Got 145 on standing militaries. Just missed 235 on bench. So i'll call it 220-225ish. Didn't do deads cuz i'd climbed earlier in the day, but i've gotten 410 in the fairly recent past, so i'll go with that.

For the record, i clumb yesterday too, and got a new v5. Made good headway on a v6 that i think'll go on the next freshstrong day. Even made a good stab at a 5.12-, but i had no send juice left in the tank.

Planning to run here in a few minutes. It's a smadge hot out there today. Oh, and i weighed this morning at 194ish on the br scales. Can't say how accurate that is, but at any rate i've dropped a few gravitations.


...And there's an hour run in. Really not a bad run. Even getting stopped both ways at the stop light, i still am only about 5 mins down on that run in really good shape. Kept the HR pretty consistently in the low 150s for the duration.

D'you getchoo a hardy run in then? Looked like you'd need a respirator and some sunscreen. Heheh! If i didn't already, that sure makes me 'member why i'm glad i don't inhabit Tejas any more.

1 comment:

Pappa G said...

I did not run yesterday. Could barley breath through a workout indoors, much less running outside in that crap storm. Good job on the run there and the weight loss. I'm gonna shoot for a 45 min run in the morning. Haven't run this week and I'm actually sort of missing it.