Friday, May 20, 2011

Houston, tenemos una problema

First of all, i did go climbling, and scored a few new problems. Nothing real eyebrow-elevating, but i scraped the finish on a spicy 5 several times; my fingerflesh tasting of its texture, but cleaving not unto it with manifold fortitudes. But it's a crazy pow'rful li'l sloper problem, so i got a sick hand workout without tearing down m' crimpy tendons. And that was welcome after killing the grip with yesterday's deadlifts.

Now, the problem: i go to Vegas on the 31st. Call it gross miscalculation, but that's just over 3 weeks into this diet. i think you folks can probl'y see my quandary without further elucidation. i must find a workaround.

And speaking of wanting to tip a pint back, the lady's gone 'til sunday; so i've the younguns for the duration. But i'm'a watch a movie and sip some chamomile.

And (in case you didn't get my last comment) i'd welcome a change to my program. Lemme know what you need from me, eh.


Pappa G said...

What are your (conservative) one rep maxes on flat bench, standing military press, squat, deadlift. deadlift can be straight leg or regular, just let me know. I realize you probably dont know, but make it your next workout to find out. Don't kill yourself trying to find your 100% 1RM. Weight lifting is cross training for you so it's not important that you're dead on to the last pound. if you've gotta guess, then guess way low. Oh, and the bar travels in front of your face on militaries, never behind your head. Unless you hate your shoulders.

Pappa G said...

personally, I'd have a few in Vegas. No diet in the world would make me face that place sober.

c said...

First, thanks for the blessing. i will have a few, then i'll have a few for you as well. Then i'll come home and do penance.

In fact i'll just call you.