Friday, May 13, 2011

Nurly a week o' it

Catch up:

Tuesday i did nothing. (i guess i did make some meaningful progress on Prince of Persia).

Yesterday i worked back. Weighed in at just about 207. i'll just call that my starting weight for this thang. That has a lot of explanatory power for my pathetic climbing sessions, and, really the less-than-par back workout yesterday. It wasn't a horrible workout; just uninspired. And i felt too heavy (which i am). And my ring finger was in bad shape for clutching heavy things. i have got to start running. Even short distances. Just got to.

Today the plan is to do chest and abs. And i'd really, really like to get a wee run in. Le's see if i can find the wherewithal.

On to the diet commentary: is it just me, or do you feel hungry pretty much all the time? i love that. Last night i made this hamburger salad bowl, and it seems like an hour later i was ravenous again. i love not feeling bloated all the time. Amazing how not eating cheese and crappy carbs for every meal shaves the calorie intake down. i can eat 2lbs of food, and am still hungry an hour later.

Later On:

i couldn't post this yesterday, 'cuz blogger was down. It's fri now. (Yea!!) Lesee here: i didn't work back yesterday, but i did go for a run. Got me a 30 min run in just under 43 mins. i have become one seriously outta shape cow. Got passed uphill by a 40-something chick in not-particularly-fit shape who looked like she was suffering. To my credit, she looked like she was in more pain than me. Then i made me a protein shake with ice and flax seed, and an apple--kinda like on the velocity diet. That was tasty. i was hungry again 30 mins later, but it was a useful apres-workout tonic.

Today i climbed. And, frankly, things were better. Got a crimpy v3 that had pitched me a few days ago. Got a "v5" on the 3rd or 4th try. Hard to say it was real 5, but it did have an obligatory 4 foot,  all-points, backward dyno in the middle. So it took some cajones, if not so much tendon integrity. Anyways, i felt like less of a little girl after i snagged that un. i slept better last night, and i wasn't sore today--neither my finger tendon, nor my lats from the back workout. There's no way i lost a bunch of weight from one 40min run, but i really do think that helps me heal faster. That, and a truckload of high quality protein, sans sugary crap and booze.

One week left of this rotation. 1/8 of the way to a paycheck. :-)

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