Saturday, June 11, 2011


Yesterday i did the deadlift workout. The deads themselves went fairly smoothly. It was 3 of 3 with 300, 350, and 370. Even strapped the Inzer on for that last set. Did the same p'lups workout as last time, but this time it went markedly less well. Last set with +25 i think i got 6 reps up. On the other hand, i weigh more this time round, and i think i can fairly say i did a harder biceps workout on wednesday. Got all 4 sets of 12 with 135 on bent o'er BB rows, but i had to really fight for the last set. Rest of the workout went swimmingly. i was blasted.

Climbed today with Annie. Had zero expectations for a serious session--cuz i had no lats, biceps, or hands left--so i was not disappointed. It was fun though; and a darned good workout. Got a new high point on my "v7" proj, and i'm mighty confident it'll go if i can freshen up a bit before the next session. i'm not so sure it's a real 7, but it is hard, and it'll be the first thing i've got with the number on it. Also got a new high point on a 5.12 autobelay problem, and i'm sure it'll go on a healed-er day. It won't really count, 'cuz not only is it a TR problem, but the autobelay probably takes a stone off'n my weight. But it'd be mighty fine for the psyche. Did get a It turned out to be a surprisingly good session 'cuz i was wiped out. And sometimes failing beyond the expectations in a wiped-out state gives you a li'l taste of what you might accomplish if you could just get in on yer game.

Sund'y Tack-on

Weighed in this morning at 194, so i'm (back) down about 4 or 5lbs from the Vegas debauchery. And Annie and i just did a 36 min run. She did really well. It was hotter than i'd have liked, but we took lots of water, and she did fine. i kept my HR in the 120s to low 130s for the duration, so it was a really light run, but she was taking two steps to my one. So she was working it. She's on the swim team now, and she's good-- like, she just got bumped to the next heat 'cuz she was climbing over the other paeons and threatening their lives to get to the front. So i have secret hopes of making a triathlete outta her. That'd be just fine.


Pappa G said...

Man that's awesome. I wish there were any type of teams around here that I would want my kids on. Maybe in a couple years when Kellan is running and jumping, we'll start a rugby team.

c said...

Surely they got some kind of swim classes for kids at the college there, eh? This is a summer thing, and it's Annie's first year to do the "team", but she's been doing swim lessons for the last two or three summers. They have to be at a certain level before they can do the team thang. Seems like they'd have something like that there for kids at least.

Pappa G said...

Private swim lessons at folks homes. We've Brody signed up this year. Blake is pretty much a certifiable fish. Nothing competitive around here though.