i have no explanation for yesterday-- one of those strange, anomalous, paradoxically super-human days that so totally defy expectations as to render themselves unrepeatable through any species of conscious bent. Woke up knowing it was gunna be a sluggish, hard-to-cope-with sort of day of functional retardation. Went climbing after work on a short clock. Did a thorough warm-up anyhow, and stretched. i thought i'd feel good after doing nothing whatsoever over the weekend, and having not climbed for three days prior; but i got a flash-pump warming up that smacked me down. For kicks, i got on my v7 project, and didn't even make it to the crux before i peeled. One of those days where i had this nagging fear of twisting my ankle i was so uncoordinated and foggy. Then i fell off of a v4 i've done several times. But then a good mood just floated in from the sky and landed on me. Went in the cave, and (after a couple of bad tries) sent a v6 that'd chucked me the few sessions before. That left me on a happy-cloud 'cuz i was pretty sure it wasn't going to happen. So i put on the harness just to push the envelope, and got on a 5.12 on the auto belay. Then amazingly i sent that after a few tries. Auto belay notwithstanding, that's the hardest route i've ever pulled down. Gunna hafta try that one on lead to make it official. Then on the way out, i jumped on a v5 i'd done a few days ago (just to see) and it went too--again after a few bad tries. Real funny session: i didn't feel very good, my hands hurt, and i was tired and groggy, but i found some happy dark place where i could ignore myself, and routes fell.
Then i went to work and got to do a double knee injection. And the dude didn't kick me in the forehead even after sinking a needle up to the hilt in 'is capsule.
Then i went in for the 5/3/1 day of deads. Zero expectation after the climbing. It was, admittedly, a poorly planned workout day. i really didn't think my hands would stay closed on the bar to pull 390. But i got a triple with it. And it was the stuff aortic dissections are made of. i really thought i was gunna blow blood on the last rep. In fact, my head looked like it was going to pop. But it left me with a big grin, and i stopped caring about the rest of the workout. Did get 20 p'lups, then 3 more sets of 10 with +25. These went much better than last week. Got 4 sets of 12 with 135 on bent o'er BB rows. Wrist was still bugging me from curls on fri. Lessee...4 x 10 with 95lbs on good mornings. 1 x 30 straight leg raises, then 3 x 12 with ankle weights. Turned out to be a good workout in spite of the climbing. Very (happily) surprising. i'm hoping to go running today. It's a little cooler than usual today, and i haven't run in a week or so. Every muscle in my body is sore today.
i'm praying for you guys that you'll get some rain/cold front there. 112 is ridiculous. You should not put up with that kind of weather.
The heat is getting stooopid. heard is was some kind of new record "so and so many consecutive days of triple digits". so in a grand revolutionary move, i'm going to go running today in the heat. That should extract some demons!
Don't get a heat stroke eh. Take lots of water. Running without water's a fine way to jack up a joint.
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