Shoulders tonight. Put 100ish on the rack and did 4 sets of 10ish overhead press. Then some lateral flyes. Then i left. Never actually do these de-load weeks. But i wouldn't mind keeping an upward trajectory. i sorta feel bad when i go in and don't push hard.
But there's a comp at the climbgym this friday. i doubt i'l get to do it, but it could happen. And i'd love to have a good session of it if i get to go. Freshly resoled Miuras came back from the shop today, so i'm jonesing to have a go at some elusive projects. They're so sticky. And i can heel hook in 'em. i've ripped my foot out o' the Optimus Primes more times than i can count. we'll see.
Do the comp! Just tell Steph that you've been called in on a very high profile nipple reattachment operation. They need your mad nipple skills. And that it has nothing to do with your current pediatric rotation. Yup. Fool-proof.
Hahaha. i'll give that a try.
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