Tuesday, December 9, 2014

ARC sesh 1 with iron

Interesting day of it yesterday. Did the first ARC session of the season, which was two 30min sets. Really didn't go badly. Think i actually felt stronger than usual on these, 'specially on the steep bits. Maybe last week's DB rows are paying off. Anyhow: markedly improved start compared to last season. Very encouraging.

Then (after a couple hours' rest babysitting) i hit the irongym for some back work. Had very low expectations for deads, mostly 'cuz i wasn't sure if i'd be able to hold the bar. But it went very well.

Deficit Deads: 21 floor touches, 21 with the bar, 12 x 145, 8 x 245, 5 x 345, 2 x 1 x 445. Locked out both singles without too much trouble.

Good Mornings: 12 x 95, 12 x 115, 12 x 135, 12 x 155. That last set was hard.

Pullups: 25 x BW. Last rep was everything in the tank. 2 x 8 x BW+25, 2 x 5 x BW+45. Also hard. These were affected by the climbing.

DB Rows: 12 x 80 ea arm, 2 x 8 x 90 ea arm.

Straight Arm Cable Presses: Think i got up to 80# for a few sets of 6 or 8. These are still experimental. Used an 18" swivel bar and it seemed to help to start with my feet way back so i was sorta leaning into the cable. These are weird, but they sure feel like they're working my lats all the way to my spine.

Overall very good workout considering the hour of climbing that went before.

Tack on: Sat i did a sprint workout-- 6 x 20 sprints on a 10 sec interval.

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