On Monday i did some deadlifting. Miserable workout. Got in at prime time, and every highschool in the area was working out on every conceivable piece of equipment. Ended up dragging a bar into an aisle to lift. And i forgot my belt. Same basic workout from a deficit, but i missed with 445. Also did a set of 25 pullups, but somebody had the chain belt so i couldn't add weight. Then i left, cuz i was beyond irritated. Eh well-- it was a workout, and my back was sore.
Got off target on hangboarding by a couple o' days 'cuz of work; but i did get 'er in today. Weighed in at 200.0lbs today fully clothed, but without a harness. One thing to say for taking 5 days 'twixt workouts instead of 3 is i was fully healed. Went up on several grips today from last time. That's a shot in the arm.
Warmup Jug: -15: Heavy breakfast and a 15 second warmup weighing in.
Large Open Hand:
1: -20: Burned, but not hard.
2: -10: Not too hard. Didn't shake out here, and that helped. Could go up next time.
F3,4 Pocket:
1: -50: Hard at the end, but no fail. This was a 5# increase. Taped F4 up front and it helped.
2: -40: Again, a 5# increase. No fail. Could bump it up again.
SemiClosed Crimp:
1: -27.5: Ok. Found some 2.5# plates, and thought i'd creep up, but coulda gone bigger.
2: -15: Really not bad still. Could increase again next time.
F2,3,4 Pocket:
1: -15: Hard. Take off the F4 tape next time. This was a 5# increase.
2: -5: Harder, but no fail. Taking the tape off helped. Again a 5# bump :)
Wide Pinch:
1: -55: Failed last second of last rep. Taking the tape off helped. Definitely stronger on these.
2: -45: Failed at the end of the last 3 reps. Much better. Of note, i didn't use the top of the grip at all for these-- just pure pinch.
1: -5: Very hard. Failed at the end of the last two reps.
2: -pin: Huh. Failed on the last rep. This was a step down. Think i was feeling the increases on the other grips.
Narrow Pinch:
1: -85: Hard, no fail.
2: -75: Hard. Failed last second of last rep. This was a 5# increase. Much better. Think my hands are getting better at being in this configuration. Seemed to help to not shake out. Pinkies have to sorta unlock to shake out, and they don't like re-locking.
Really satisfying workout here, even if i was a li'l bummed to have to bump it back a coupla days. I can actually imagine adding weight to me for some of these grips for this season.
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