Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Campus #2

Got campus sesh 2 in last night. Changed things up a bit with fairly spectacular results. Had very low expectations after Sunday's boulder session-- largely cuz i ended up just tearing me down. Went in yesterday to the climbgym for a warmup, and felt pretty tired to begin. But i think that worked out ok, 'cuz i didn't stick around too long to kill it bouldering. Did some easy arcing, and then ended up giving 3 or 4 tries to a limit problem. Was afraid i'd thrashed the crimpers, but it worked out to be a perfect warmup. Got home and did the usual p'lups, rows, dips and piddling on the hangboard. then to the Campus sticks.

XXL) Basic ladder, B hands leading.

XL) Skipped these :)


1, 3B, 5, M. Jumped ahead here from last sesh. Just fine.

1, 4B, 5, M Real nice.

1, 4L, 6, M... STICK!! Felt fairly easy.
1, 4R, 6 Failed to stick 6, but got it second go. Happy. :)


1, 3B, 4, M. Not easy leading L, but got it. Actually did feel pretty easy leading R.

1, 4, M: Ok, another mile of progress here! Did three sets of these with each hand leading. The first two sets i missed the match with L leading, but stuck the match R. Third set i was tired and missed the match with both hands. But i couldn't even stick the 4th rung with a lead hand 5 days ago. I can actually imagine making some progress on these over the next coupla weeks; 'specially if i can lose some weight.


1, 2B, M. Did two sets of these with mat dabs for help. Getting tired here; but i'm not too far away from actually moving my tubby butt up the wall on these.

This was absolutely a shot in the arm... totally beyond expectation. I think it helped to cut some of the extraneous stuff out, like the XL rungs. But i was still up probably 3-4lbs from the last sesh (due to nearly constant grazing on garbage over the weekend), and i was still noticeably broken down from the bouldering sesh the few days prior. So however i look at it, this was a step upward. There is hope

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