Sunday, May 31, 2015

Limit Boulder 2 and Campus #3

Looks like i didn't get around to posting on the second Limit Boulder session--woulda been Friday, 5/29. Honestly not a session, although i'm still hashing out problems. Really don't have The Problem worked out yet. So i mostly piddled around with some stuff; but it was a good workout. Do think i'm'a hafta take some decent shoes down with me for the next round. the Miuras have no toes left, and that ain't cutting it on tiny feet.

Did Campus #3 tonight. Went out super tired from going to bed way late the 3 or 4 nights prior, and totally knew it was gunna be a waste of time. But it wasn't. Was yet another very large step forward (to my surprise and general smileyness). And i weighed in dressed at 200.6#, which made it more satisfying still, 'cuz that has me about a pound heavier than last time.


basic ladders.


This time i did a basic ladder, 1-3-5-7-M B.

Straight to 1-4-6.
1:  Failed B first go.
2:  Failed leading L, stuck  leading R.
3:  Same. Failed L, stuck it R.
4:  There! Stuck it L. Skipped with R to move to smaller rungs.


1-4M:  Stuck this with both hands leading first go. Not very hard :)

1:  Stuck L leading first try!! Missed with R. Hmm
2:  This time i missed with L, but stuck with R. i'll take it!


1-2M: Stuck L and dabbed for the match. Better! Li'l dab on both with R.

1-3:  Touched it easily, but didn't stick. This'll go shortly, methinks.

1-2M:  Dabbed for it B. This is getting easier.


Went back to the medium rungs here and tried some doubles. Kindof a cool feeling, 'cuz i really couldn't even meaningfully hang from these 6 months ago. Jumped and double-clutched the 4th rung easily. Didn't get a solid double dyno, but it feels doable. Mighty fine workout.

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