Friday, May 8, 2015

Hangboard #6 and Back Work

Yesterday went to the irongym for some back torture. Definitely making some headway on the Deads.

5/7/15 backwork

Deficit Deads:
Floor touches x 21
21 x the bar
12 x 145 SL
8 x 245 SL
5 or 6 x 345 (chalked for those)
2 x 395 (put the Inzer on for these)
2 x 445
1 x 465

Megahappy to lock that last one.

Good Mornings:
2 x 12 x 135
12 x 155
12 x 175

26 x BW
10 x +25
2 x 5ish x +45 (These felt hard. Not sure i made progress here, but not too bad.)

DB rows:
10 or so x 95
8 x 105
6 x 110 (was pretty much cashed here)

Good Un

Today was more hangboardin'. Also a good un,

5/8/15 Hangboard #6

WUJ:  -15. Just fine.

Large Open Hand:
1:  +15:  5# incr. Ok--hardish. No fail.
2:  +25:  Also 5 # incr. Failed at the end of last 2 reps. Definitely feeling yesterday's Deads.

F 3,4 Pocket:
1: -15:  Went ahead and untaped f4 for these. Slipped at the very end of last rep. Way better.
2:  -5:  Forgot to clip in on rep 1, so it was BW. Painful, but no fail, so this was a move upwards. Preemptively untaped f 3 and 4, and taped f5.

SemiClosed Crimp:
1:  -30:  5# incr. Started at the outer edge o' the rail. No fail.
2:  -20:  5# incr. Untaped f5 for this one. Failed at the last second of last rep.

[retaped f5]

F 2,3,4 Pocket:
1:  -5:  technically this wasn't an incr, except it felt way easy.
2:  +10: this was a 5# incr. No fail! reasonably easy.

Wide Pinch:
1:  -60: fail.
2:  -40:  5# incr. Rad. Failed in the last second of the last rep. :)

1:  -5:  Failed at the very very end.
2:  +10: Failed in last second of last rep. 5# incr. BIG increase.

Narrow Pinch:
1:  -77.5. Same. OK.
2;  -65:  2.5# incr, but NO FAIL!!! >))

Saw some nice increases in spite of yesterday's teardown. Very encouraging. 3 mo' hangboardies to go.

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