Saturday, September 2, 2017

HB #4, 5, and 6; bikin'; and back

Once again i've managed a reprehensible lag in posting. Notwithstanding, it's been an encouraging 2 weeks of workouts. Got in 3 more HB workouts, some decent mt. biking, and even an irongym session. Also i've bought into a weight loss competition with the coworkers. I'm pretty confident that'll work out to have been an unwinnable battle since I don't have an extra hundred lbs of fluff to divest me of; but it'll have been worth the buy in if i can drop 20lbs or so. That'd be just fine.

Lesee here: on 8/23/17 did HB #4, which would've been 4 days after the prior workout, instead of the usual 3. Do believe that helped some. Was 206 lbs clothed.

WUJ: -15: check

Large Open:
1: +10: Hard, no fail :)
2: +20: Fail on the last two.

1: -55: No fail!
2: -45: NO FAIL! Woot!

1: -30: Last coupla secs last 2 reps
2: -20: Last 2. Really not bad 'til then

F 2,3,4:
1: -25 (incr): Last 3 secs last rep. No bad!
2: -15 (incr): Last 2 r. Not bad!

Wide Pinch:
1: -40 (incr): Last 2r. Huh. Better.
2: -30 (incr): Bad last 3 reps. Bleh.

1: BW: No fail!
2: +10: Last one was hard, but no fail!

1: -75: No fail. Huh.
2: -60 (incr): 1st 3 good, last 3 bad.

Then i got reeeeal busy, and had something of a forced 5 day layoff. Worked out to be a good (and maybe necessary) thing. HB#5 8/28/17 204 clothed. Prior to this i did about 1.5hrs of Mt. biking.

WUJ: -15: Ugh.

Large Open:
1: +10: No fail
2: +20: No fail. Not bad.

F 3,4:
1: -50 (incr): No fail! Hard.
2: -40 (incr): HA! No fail!

1: -30: No fail. Cooler tonight.
2: -15 (incr): Fail last 3 secs last rep! Woot!

F 2,3,4:
1: -25: No fail. Again i think cooler made the difference.
2: -10 (incr): Last 2 secs last rep!

1: -40: End of the last 2. Better.
2: -30: Oh wow :-/ Last 4. Real hard.

1: +5 (incr): Last 2 really. Bleh.
2: + 15 (incr): Last 2ish. Not as bad.

1: -75: No fail.
2: -60: Good first four, then failure. Mo' betta'.

Gotta say this was a good workout, and i honestly probably need to program some 4-5 day sprreads into the workout. I'm just too old to heal fully in 3 days for 9 consecutive workouts (as demonstrated by the following workout). Did the next one on the 3 day mark. It was a downtick for a number of reasons: did it a bit earlier in the day and it was hotter, didn't sleep well the night(s) prior, weighed a coupla' lbs heavier, and had a kiddo spectating. I wanted Soren to watch 'cuz he's been wanting to do his own workouts, and i wanted him to see how the hang rest cycles work; but it is oddly distracting to be watched. Showed me how dependent i am upon staring at a very certain dot on the board in order not to rip loose. Really does take absolute focus.

At any rate, HB #6. 8/31/17. Weighed 206 lbs clothed. Of note, i got in a 45ish min ride the day before. I'm up to almost 500mi for the season on ye olde bike.

WUJ: -15: check

Large Open:
1: +10
2: +20: No fail, but hard. Haven't failed on these in a while, but haven't wanted to go up because it destroys the following grips.

F 3,4:
1: -45 (incr): No Fail! WOOT!
2: -35 (incr): Whoa! No fail! Really hard. This was a victory.

1: -25 (incr): Ugh. Fail on last 3. Really bad last 2.
2: -15 (-): Failed on the last 2 propa'.

F 2,3,4:
1: -25: Toe down on the last 2.
2: -10: Yuck! Fail on the last 3. Here i was feeling the difference 5 days vs 3 days made. Tired here.

1: -40: Bleh. Really horrible last 2 1/2 r.
2: -35 (decr): Fail last 2 1/2. Ugh.

1: BW (decr): Fail last 2-3 secs last 2r.
2: +20 (incr): Last 2 reps. Hmm.

1: -75: Toe down last sec last rep.
2: -60: Yeah, failed the last 3 reps--last 2 total fails. Tired.

Ah well. Not the very best workout, but a workout nonetheless. It's interesting that i can't find any HB workouts from prior seasons past #6. I don't know if i just stopped there, or was too lazy to write 'em down. S'posed to be 9 in all. I can say my skin's starting to tear after this last one, and i do recall similar happening in antecedent seasons, so i may very well have called it to save some skin. I ammaking gains on several grips--esp the shallow 2 finger--and that's very encouraging. Oddly, my ring finger finally has stopped hurting on m' right hand.

I have also been trying to include some irongym work, esp looking to pulling hard for Campusing in a few weeks. Didn't record the last go of it, but did get one in yesterday, and, frankly, it rocked. The focus is on weighted P'lups instead of Deads, and not terribly surprisingly it's making my P'lups look better.

9/1/17 Back Work.

1: BW x 30: This was a shot in the arm. I hadn't gotten 30 pullups since--i dunno--the late '90s. Hadn't even tried. Cranked out 30 and then stopped so i'd have a li'l petrol left in the tank. :)
2: +25 x 10: No problem.
3: +45 x 7: Got 'em.
4: +65 x 4: These were hard, but i locked the 4th one.
5: +90 x 2: Very hard. Wasn't fully convinced i 100% locked these, but not too bad.

1: 21 floor touches.
2: 21 x the bar
3: 14 x 145 (SL)
4: 8 x 245 (SL)
5: 4 x 345 (Normal stance): Failed on #3--grip was unraveling. For some reason i decided against taking my straps in. Nearly got the 3rd locked and the hands said "Nope". Tried a 4th after some rest, but it didn't happen. Grip failure.

Good Mornings:
1: 12 x 135
2: 12 x 155
3: 12 x 175: Standard weights. Definitely felt the very long layoff there. Can't say i pushed these to depth. And i'm fine with that. Back's intact today. :)

DB Rows:
1: 12 x 90
2: 8 x 105
3: 4 x 120: Got these! Pretty elated about that.

Hanging Straight Leg Raises:
3 sets of 30: Crud. Outta shape. Got the first two sets with much grimacing. Last set i had to break up. Next time will be better.

Good workout. For having not cast shadow on iron in some months really, i didn't deserve to throw down that well. Very thankful. :)

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