Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Campus 3 1/2 (S7), Backwork and a Ride

Mmmm K: Li'l bit o' catchin' up here to do. Tonight i talked me into attempting a Campus workout. Woulda been #4, but it was a no go, basically. Actually pretty good warmup, and i felt good to boot. Definitely feeling stronger and as though i can hang things that were very hard a few weeks ago. But i am not yet healed after #3. No frank injury, but there is fire what runneth up the dorsal ulna bilaterally upon grasping crimpily. Got in some P'lups, good warmup on the hangboard, a basic ladder on the large rungs, and tried for some max ladders--but, yeah: Nope. That was skirting injury in a bit too promiscuous a fashion.

Monday (9/25/17) Annie and i went to the irongym for some back rending. She pulled 206 from the floor (and was interestingly disappointed with that.) I think she'll be adding significant weight to that when her form improves a modicum.

1: 20 x BW (been running in the 205ish range clothed)
2: 10 x +25
3: 7 x +45
4: 5 x +65 (usually do 4 here, but these felt pretty easy)
5: 2 x +90
6: 2 x +100 (Got me a spot for these. Pretty blasted here)

Deficit Deads:
1: 21 x the bar
2: 14 x 145 (SL)
3: 8 x 245 (SL)
4: 4 x 345 (straps here, and normal form)
5: 2 x 395 (belt for these. Felt really pretty easy)
6: 1 x 445 (Not easy, but it locked)

Good Mornings:
1: 12 x 135
2: 12 x 155
3: 12 x 175 (the usual)

Hanging Leg Raises:
3 sets x 30 and 1 set of 15. (Getting better, but not there yet.

Day prior (9/24/17) got in Campus #3. This was an excellent workout, although i think i still haven't properly healed from it. Did, again, weigh in at 206. :(

XXL: Basic up and down. check

L: Basic. check
L3-M4: yup
R3-M4: yup
L4-M5, R4-M5: No problema
L4-M6: Got it!
R4-M6: Not getting there x 2. So flippin' CLOSE!! Grrrrr

L3-M4: yup
R3-M4: yup. Feeling that fire in the bones.
L4: Stuck and didn't try the match. Weird.
R4: Huh! Matched...ish.
L4: Rrrrrrrr...Dunno: can't seem to match.
R4: Yeah! stuck and matched propa'
Basic to about 4---ugh.

L: Bumps: Touched 5 L, stuck 5 R.

Two days prior (woulda been 9/22/17) did the Kinsey loop in 1:38. Super slow. Had no back brake, but it was also just really windy. Let my arm brush through a tree, and a sawed off branch nearly took my arm off. Anyhow, a ride on the books.

Did take the bike in for a tune thereafter.

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