Tuesday, September 12, 2017

HB #9 and a Bike

Got in the last HB workout last night. That was on the 4th day, and that helped. Reasonably pleased with how it's gone so far. For whatever reason, i only have through HB #6 from last season (nearly a year ago) to compare to, but i'm not too bad off for having taken so long to work out formally. In some of the grips i'm actually stronger, and where i don't have the weight, it looks like i'm also not failing as miserably. So: i'm very excited to try to string some seasons together and actually see gains on some grips. I'll write the workout down and compare with #8, but in square brackets will side-by-side it with #6 from last year (S:6 10/7/16).

WUJ: -15: Same.

Large Open:
1: +10: no fail
2: +20: No Fail! [Same weight as last year for these. But no fail this time.]

F 3,4:
1: -40: No fail! [Incr from -45 last year]
2: --25 (Incr): WOO! Last 3 secs last rep! Not too bad! [Incr from -30 last year, and with a better finish.]

1: -25: Last 2-3 secs last 2 reps [Decr from -20 last year. Bout the same result]
2: -15: Oh man! last 3 really. Slippin'. [Decr from -10 last year. Again, same fail last 3]

F 2,3,4:
1: -25: Yeah. Last 2 sec last rep. [Decr from -10 last year, but it looks like i went out in a blaze of glory then. I'd added 10lbs from the prior workout and got 2 reps before failing.]
2: -10: Ok, Mejor! Last 3-4 sec last 2 reps [Decr from BW last year (206 last year), but c/w the prior set, obviously a tidy gain.]

Wide Pinch:
1: -45: Better. End of the last 2 r. Again, didn't untape F3 due to torn skin. [Decr from -40 last year. Failed last 3-4 secs last 3 r then.]
2: -35: K. Last 2 were bad. [Decr from -30 last year. Failed on last 4 then.]

1: BW: Last 3-4 sec last 2. Better. [Decr from +20 last year. Failed on the last 4 then.]
2: + 25: Better. Last 3-4 sec last 3 rep. Last rep was a total fail. [Decr from +30. Failed on the last 2 then.]

1: -75: Again, toe down on the last sec last rep. Starting to think that's just habit. [Same weight as last year. Failed last coupla secs last 2 reps then.]
2: -65: Huh. Last 2 reps really. [Same weight. Last 3 sec last 2 reps then.]

So overall, I'd estimate I've gained some since last year. Nice to be able to say that, even if the gains were modest. My ring finger's still nagging me on my right hand, but it actually feels better for having done the hangboarding. I'm hoping to finish the Campusing strong, throw down a very compressed bouldering season, then start back on the board.

Got in 45ish minutes of it on Seven Sisters also yesterday. Not bad with an extra hundred thousand tons or so of sand on the trail.

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