This is another bit of a catch-up post. On Tues--woulda' been 9/5/17-- got in about 1:30 on the bike. Not a bad ride. Kinsey had gotten way sandy, so it is just a slower course. No fixing that really; but it surely is frustrating to not be able to drop my PR. Also, to be fair, I've been really super tired this last couple of weeks. haven't been able to catch up on sleep.
Then Thurs, 9/7/17, got in HB #8. That was more or less a placeholder. Been working out for 25 years or so, and i know i'm not gunna make gains on every workout--so i guess it should be amusing that i still get frustrated when i don't, but i do and it isn't particularly. This was on the third day, and that just isn't enough time to heal generally for me. I do think that's compounded by the lack of sleep, and i can definitely say my head wasn't in this one. Ah well: #8 down, one to go. Then comes the fun bit.
Weighed in at 206 (again) for this, clothed.
WUJ: -15
Large Open:
1: +10: Hard. Ill boding.
2: +20: Fail last rep
F 3,4:
1: -40 (incr): Last sec last rep. Not too bad.
2: -30: Really failed last 3, last one total. Tape wasn't high enough, and the skin on F3 tore.
1: -25: No fail! OK
2: -15: Fail last 2, last one bad. Subhorrible.
F 2,3,4:
1: -25: Last 2 sec last r. Not bad!
2: -10: Ugh. Last 3. Last 2 bad.
Wide Pinch:
1: -45: Last 3ish. Didn't untape F3 due to the torn skin, so li'l slippy.
2: -35: Ugh. Last 3. Tape. Head was not screwed on for this.
1: BW (decr): Wow. Last 3 really. Did not show up for this workout.
2: +25 (incr): Last 3. Yeah.
1: -75: Toe down last sec.
2: -65: Better! Last 3 sec last r.
Yeah: not an inspiring workout, but a workout. I've torn down some muscle and tendon, and avoided serious injury.
Then yesterday (9/8/17) got in some Back Work. That went pretty well. Still kinda tired, and low on steam, but pulled hard notwithstanding. For Deads did take the straps in, so that was a different deal.
1: 20 x BW
2: 10 x +25
3: 7 x +45
4: 4 x +65
5: 2 x +90: Locked these ok.
6: 2 x +90
Deficit Deads:
1: 21 x bar
2: 14 x 145
3: 8 x 245 (These were straight leg without straps)
4: 4 x 345 (Here i used straps and normal knee bend)
Good Mornings:
1: 12 x 135
2: 12 x 155
3: 12 x 175
DB Rows:
1: 12 x 90
2: 8 x 105
3: 4 x 120 (better than last week)
Cable rows:
Kinda piddled with these, but got up to i think 6 with 220.
Hanging Leg Raises:
Got 3 sets of 30. Last one was hard, but way better than the week before. At least got 'em all without breaking up the set.
Hoping to get in a bike ride today. Weighed in this am at 203. Have stalled out with the diet/weight loss. Not sure why, but i'm going to have to dial down the calories even further.
Did get that bike ride in at Alien. Didn't look at my time, but it woulda been about an hour and a half.
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