Monday, September 4, 2017

HB #7 S:7

Got in HB#7 tonight. Not a bad workout, really. Once again, it was a 4 day interval, and i do believe that helps an elderly brutha heal more thoroughly. Also i did it after 21:00, and it's a li'l cooler out there which also helps. Weighed in at 206+.

Yesterday i got in a bit over an hour on the mt. bike.

Ah yeah--and Annie did her first HB workout today. I look forward to seeing what she'll be able to pull down if she gets the hang of that. Also Soren got one in two days ago, and seems to be amped to get back on it. That dude could be a crusher if he sticks with it.

WUJ: -15

Large Open:
1: +10: No fail
2: +20: No fail. Still hard last rep

F 3,4:
1: -45: No fail. Really not bad.
2: -30 (incr): Woo...last sec last rep. Super happy.

1: -25: Last 2 sec last rep. That's much better.
2: -15: Last 2-3 sec last 2 rep. Again, way betta'.

F 2,3,4:
1: -25: No fail!
2: -10: Woo man! Last coupla' sec last 2 reps. Hard!

Wide Pinch:
1: -45 (decr): Better. Last 3 sec last rep
2: -35: Last 2 fail. Still, better.

1: +5 (incr): Ugh! Last 3 really.
2: +20: Last 3. Last rep was total fail.

Narrow Pinch:
1: -75: No fail. :)
2: -65: Better: last 1 1/2 reps.

Kinda cheated on the diet over the weekend, but i'm ok with that. Definitely didn't undo any progress--just didn't keep at the same level of asceticism. Back on it today, and through the week. I just wish i could figure out how to sleep. Maybe some melatonin.

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