204 lbs.
ME Bench:
i was feeling my oats today and wanted to max.
1,000,000 x Bar
5 x 135
3 x 165
3 x 175
1 x 185
1 x 195
1 x 205
1 x 215
1 x "225" (possibly a new PR)
Pushed out 215 clean again, and it felt not too bad, but my shoulder was hurting pretty good. So i asked this guy for a spot. Told 'im that it was a max and i hadn't done the weight before, but that i'd worked up to it and should be able to snag it. Lowered and shoved the bar up like it weighed 200 (which it probably did) and racked it. He goes, "Oh, are you done?" with this quizzical look on his face.
i'm dreadful tired of stupid people. i'm tired of my shoulder hurting. i wish i'd remembered to pack the iPod in my pack last night. i'm glad i got 215 clean again, but i'm gonna change my chest work henceforth. Having to rely on other people for really anything at all sucks. i shall try to find a way around it. Plus i need to rehab the shoulder anyway.
i hear you... stupid people just poison my head whilst I workout. I try not to even look at other people let alone talk to anyone. I want to slap the person that brings a newspaper with them to workout, or the middle age skinny guy that wears 80s running shorts to lift in so you can see his balls swaying with each squat!!!
Zee beench press, eet is not so good for zee shoulder, eh? Work you overhead presses for a while. They have a lot of carryover to the bench and should allow your shoulder to heal.
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